The Spirit of Amanita

A Solstice Ceremony Replay- $88


Learn about The Ancestors’ Terrarium

a 3 part series devoted to the exploration and cultivation of Ancestral Healing Medicine


The Ceremony Includes:

  • Grounding Prayer + Guided Journey into the Spirit of Amanita

  • Message from our Guest Teacher, Zack Shimon

  • Medicine Song sharing and Q + A

  • Group Kontomblé Divination Ceremony

  • Closing


The Spirit of Amanita also includes:

  •  A 3+ hour immersive experience into the depths of the Amanita Muscaria Medicine

  • Guidance and Suggestions on ways to sit with the Medicine*

  • Potent insights from the Kontomblé about this Powerful Ancient Ally, where messages from the Voice of Amanita are brought forth for the collective

*You may also partake without Medicine, and commune energetically which is a wonderful way to MEET the Spirit of this medicine.



Message from our Guest Teacher:

“Help me To Remember that Time Before Time
When I knew the difference between me and my Mind
And Won’t you Please tell Us that Story of This
time Before Time
When You and I We knew
the Difference Between me
And Mind..”

These are Lyrics from a Song that Amanita Gifted me…

The Medicine of Amanita Has been Buried for Centuries. Buried But not Forgotten.

Hiding in Plain Sight the Amanita have been waiting for us as Humans to Rekindle our connection to them.

That time is Now!

The Amanita are “Coming Back on Line” and are
So excited to offer their Beautiful Medicine Ways and to Help us to Remember.


The Medicine of the Amanita
is Deep and powerful.

They are master healers and can support us in So many Ways.

Physically, Spiritually and Emotionally the Amanita are Here at this time to Assist and Reconnect with Us.

Amanita wants to Help us Connect to our Own Medicine-

and through this Connection Help Us to Heal our Selves, Each Other and Our Planet.”

-Zack Shimon

Medicine Guidelines:

My personal journey with Amanita has been to take the slow route. I am also guided to encourage others to begin their journey of forming a relationship with Amanita in a slow and intentionall manner. 

With that being said, here is my guidance for how to sit with the medicine during our ceremony, The Spirit of Amanita. 

  1. You may join us without having any physical medicine on hand or ingesting any, and simply be with the frequencies of the medicine present throughout our time together. Meeting her in this way can be a beautiful beginning to a journey, especially with insights from the Kontomblé coming through.  

  2. You may reach out to have physical medicines on hand, which you may then set on your altar, use as an offering and/or ingest a small (mini-microdose) amount of with our and Amanita’s guidance. The deadline for this option is Friday, December 16th.

    For inquiries about Medicines, please email or reach out to Zack directly.



The Importance of Solstice Time:

Traditionally, Solstice time is a potent window to honor and sit with Amanita.

You may have heard the modern story of Christmas was derived from the Sami peoples’ indigenous tradition of their red and white clad shamans honoring and journeying with the Amanita Mushroom during this time.

Amanita’s Medicine of deep Rest and Rejuvenation make the Solstice an especially potent time to Work with them.

On an Ancestral level, Amanita can help us Reorient to and Transmute Ancestral Traumas that are often brought into Focus during this the Darkest time of the Year.



Message from the Little People:

While sitting with the Amanita in my special spot this fall, the Little People asked me to slow down and listen. I saw that some local, native Little People were gathering around and meeting with the village of Kontomblé I walk with.

They all began talking to me about how they and the Amanita are one in the same, and how all the different Little People- meaning the different nations, types, and even species!- all associate with different species of mushroom that they have special connections to.
They went on to say that- 

“the mycelial technology that the mushrooms are../

 is the energy of the STARS…/

 inside the earth…

-and we little people are an expression

of these energies meeting!

The energy of the stars and the elemental energies…that is!”


When they spoke of the Amanita they said: 

“It is SHE who we shall Seeeerve! 

So that you know you Deseeeerve…

To live as a CHILD of the eeeeearth

And pray with every worrrdd!!…

birth birth birth birth birth /
the earth the earth the earth the earth!

Serve serve serve serve serve/

the birth the birth the birth of the earth! 

Serve the birth of the earth!”

In this ceremony, we will hear from the Little People themselves about the Spirit of Amanita in a Group Divination!


A Message from Aislinn:

Shrouded in taboo for generations-
the Amanita is ready to come forward, in her true form.

The essence of her Spirit is ready to be Remembered!

In the past few years alone, the medicinal whispers of the Amanita Muscaria mushroom have been growing into a communal hum. The tone and cadence of which,
carries a melody like no other–

For her Re-emergence, is seeded with the tokens of our ancestral Remembering’s and Reimagining’s!

The taboo that cloaked her, may have been exactly what was needed to protect her. Because of the fear of her so-called poisonous elements, which in truth are deeply medicinal, many have avoided her for centuries. This avoidance in the form of incorrect information being spread is a direct result of colonization.

Interestingly, in her emergence, the colonization of her Spirit still remains a threat. In modern times, as the medicines of the mushrooms gain popularity, we see big corporations coming forward to capitalize on the healing, humble, earth-centric properties of these beloved ally’s. 


Amanita has chosen her stewards wisely.
Due to fear, many who have come forward to speak about the beloved Amanita Muscaria, lead with science. 

This is to ensure that the taboo be debunked, and the “fear freeze” of colonization dismantled.

 However, the Spirit of Amanita is now ready for a New/Ancient form of Stewardship to be brought forth!

That is one where those who dance, weave, ingest, harvest, pray, and play with her, do so with the heart of her Spirit at the center of every act.


When we lead with science, important aspects coming from Spirit can get left behind.  For this reason, we have decided to call our solstice ceremony
“The Spirit of Amanita.”


To be True stewards of this medicine, we must honor Spirit first. 

Once one is familiarized with Amanita in Spirit, then, as instructed – we may be called to explore the matters of science, of conversion, and so on…

Or, we may be called to engage with her medicines in a different way. A way, perhaps a bit more ancient, one that welcomes ingenuity, imagination, listening, and Play!



How I met Zack is how I met Amanita…

Zack first introduced me to  Amanita in 2019. He shyly, and with a look of mischievousness, handed me an entire jar full of the dried red caps upon our meeting! Clearly, Spirit had guided him to share this mushroom with me.


I was amazed, instantly taken by their presence and Field. Not to mention that my guides, the Kontomblé (the Little People!), had been preparing me for several months – – talking about how the mushrooms were coming to help unwind my mind, and go even deeper into the realms of divination and Oracle-hood.

I also was afraid of them. I had not yet stripped some of the layers of fear away, and their mere presence began to stir these colonized remnants. 


When I held the caps in my hand, I could feel the Kontomblé’s glee! I remembered how several years before, they had told me:

“Long, long ago, when the Little People were forced underground, we put our voices into the mushrooms!”

They showed they did this so that they would still have a way to communicate with the human realm, above ground.


I knew my next step had come… in the form of this magical, mysterious, quintessential, red capped mushroom with white dots!



I began a very slow process of meeting Amanita, that over the years has transitioned into learning from Amanita and from the Little People directly, (and in the most honoring form of Apprenticeship)  what it means to be a steward to this medicine.


Two winters ago, I was guided through a week-long diet with Amanita, facilitated by Zack. During this diet, I communed with the mushroom, channeled many songs, and received teachings from the Kontomblés about the depth of this medicine.

Zack opened my eyes to the ways of weaving with this medicine that are in the deepest forms of Listening and integrity that I have witnessed any other practitioner or spokesperson of this mushroom do. For it involves most simply of all- Listening, Receiving, Giving- and not rejecting any form of what her Spirit has to offer.


The journey unfolded from there,
and there’s much more to share!

Which is why I have invited Zack as our Guest Teacher for the special ceremony.

Let us explore the wonderful world of the Spirit of Amanita together!

Join Us via the Replay!

The Spirit of Amanita: A Solstice Ceremony

*This ceremony lasts approx 3 hours and 20 minutes

The Spirit of Amanita Replay: $88


*Recordings will be available for all participants 24 hours after each ceremony

*A number of Partial Scholarships are available at $55 per ceremony/drop in. These are reserved for those in need of Financial Assistance and are first come, first serve.

Please email for more info.


About the Kontomblé +
Group Ceremony

The Kontomblé are the little people of the Dagara Tribe in Burkina Faso. Their culture and ways were brought to the West by Elder Malidoma Somé. The Little People are known by many names across many cultures. Recognized as leprechauns, fairies, gnomes, menehune, and more- their medicine and it’s message is universal in nature. They are the original stewards of the earth, and bringers of culture to humanity! They have always been a part of this world, and now, more than ever- they are wanting to reconnect with humanity to guide us through the transformational times we are in.

Often, the Kontomblé speak on behalf of all nations of little people. Messages from these relatives often come through in the form of poetry, playful riddles, and in the magic of 3’s. Their mother tongue is a language as old as earth, and it brings healing to both our body and spirit.

In a Group ceremony, the Kontomblé bring messages for the group as a whole and then receive 3 questions from the group at the end of their transmission. They also offer healings and activations, utilizing song and elemental ritual. I never know what they are going to say ahead of time, although sometimes they may give me insight into a ritual or particular offering that they are requesting from the group ahead of time, required for the energetic processes that will unfold, in which case you will be given ample notice to prepare!

To learn more about the Kontomblé and Voice Divination, please visit this page.


Your Facilitators


Meet our Guest Teacher, Zack Shimon:

“Amanita Called out to me 7 years ago and Started teaching me their Ways, Helping me to Connect to my Ancestors and to my Own Medicine. In the last Several years Amanita has encouraged me to start working with Others.

I am currently offering Plant Ceremony's, Micro Dosing, Plant Dieta’s, Ancestral Healing and Support in overcoming and Transmuting Addiction into Medicine.”

For more information,
you can reach Zack at 707-357-3242


Meet our Facilitator and Host, Aislinn Kerchaert:

Aislinn Kerchaert is an Initiated Kontomblé Voice Diviner, Artist, Poet, and Healer. She has received training as an Access Bars Facilitator, Reiki Master, Diviner and more. Over the years, her work with Spirit, Ancestral Healing, and Energy Medicine has reached an international community. She currently offers private Kontomblé Voice Divinations, One on one Mentoring, as well as online group courses and programs on Earth-Based Ritual, Elemental Healing and Ancestral Medicines.

To learn more, please visit the Meet Aislinn page.

For more information, email Aislinn at or fill out our Contact Form


Meet our Guardian Apprentice and Space Holder, Savannah Hoptowit:

“I am a poet, devotee to nature, and energy practitioner. I have spent the last year as a guardian space holder apprentice for Aislinn and the Kontomblé. I reunited with the Kontomblé about six years ago though they’ve guided me for many lives. I’ve also spent the last decade studying and training as a healing arts practitioner.  My work is Spirit led and blends prayer, subtle energy awareness, and a variety of modalities that I see great support with. To name a few: tapping, subtle body attunement, auric field work, rituals, and grid work. My biggest and most beloved guides are the Grandmothers of the beyond, flowers, and rainbows. I am devoted to listening and embodying the magic of existence. Every day I walk in prayer and take steps on my healing path. I’m happiest when I’m holding space for this with my self or my communities. I’m currently seeing clients in Occidental, CA and virtually.”

-Savannah Hoptowit