Enter the Dragon's Door


In Honor of the Lunar New Year:

Enter the Dragon’s Door

2024: Year of the
Wood Dragon


The Dragons are beings who preside over vortices and power places, where ley lines meet and converge on the planet, and in the cosmos.

Contrary to popular belief, dragons are not all about fire. In my experience, dragons have just as much to do with water, if not even more to do with it than fire. According to a trusted Lakota Elder who knows these beings intimately, in his tradition and way Dragons are said to live within waterfalls. 

Dragons are the epitome and embodiment of electromagnetic frequencies that hold our planet / plane of existence together. In the Otherworld, their purpose and duty lies in that they are very much birth-ers of this world. Their energetic bodies help hold our world and the Otherworld together. 

In the physical reality, a dragon may take form or shape if they so choose. But what is even more important to understand - is that the dragon, in its material-less, formless state-
is so much more than a spirit being.

The dragon is a web keeper of consciousness. The dragon IS the ley line, it IS the keeper of the waterfall, it IS a guardian of an entire region or convergence of regions. Dragons work together, with all of the elements, to make sure that the polarity of the earth is properly maintained. 


They do this by maintaining a balance between the poles of the earth- north and south, as well as by being embodiments of the tectonic plates, and the waterways that connect these plates-
above and beneath the earth. 

The dragon song that my guides, the Kontomblé speak of, that they call up and out of us is so much more than one particular song. It is a state of being. A way of being in and breeding more communion with these ancient relatives.

The dragons are our Ancestors. Many aspects of our DNA stems from these ancient world builders. Ancient Dragon DNA is indigenous in nature. 

Thwarted/distorted dragon DNA may in modern times be referred to as the “reptilian races”.

Ancient Dragons are indeed reptiles, but their DNA in its purest form is of the Original Lifeforms {Builder Races} to walk and tend this planet, or the beings of the First Age who built our world. It is something that we wish to bring alive ourselves, to reconcile with and re-member, while healing the distortions of the thwarted / purported /harvested DNA lines.

The dragon song is an ancient one, sung in ancient tongue, and emanated from an Eternal way of being. When we visit the waterfalls and make offerings of crystals to the dragons, or any other form of offering, and sing our ancestral songs, we feed them. We bring them medicines and we also revive an exchange of information that is coming from deep within the earth, in other lands.


The dragons are awakening. All over the planet (and cosmos!) they are helping us to remember what Earth was like before the harvesting and removal of the ancient Matriarchal lines began. 


Them coming to life in an electromagnetic sense, shifts the vibrations on the planet, so that we may all together begin to embody a state of being, which is closer and close to how it once was before “the fall” from a higher dimensional way of being on Mama Earth. This was her original design- to be a place to experience, in the physical, the vast expansiveness of the consciousness of Love. Prior to the many races of Mama Gaia being seeded with distortions, the dragons had a role in maintaining the frequencies and holding these realms together.

When the “fall” from higher dimensional way of being occurred (differing in time because we are now living in the convergence of so many timelines) the dragons went “underground”- they became the ground, they became the magnetism that lives and operates within the waterways and ley lines.

When we make an offering to a dragon, we feed and raise its biomagnetism, we invite its Spirit to embody the earth plane more and more through the elements it presides over, thus unlocking/opening up a higher frequency which enables our DNA to vibrate on a higher frequency.  

When we reunite a dragon with the frequencies / energies of a ley line that it is not presiding over, through elemental offerings, we re-unite it with the Spirits of its long lost relatives. It is as if we are helping old friends meet after centuries apart. Disjointed pieces of the Mother Earth Grid, which are innately connected to the Matriarchal Grid Lines, join together again. They are Re-Member-ed. 


And so, to be an earth steward is to be a Tender of Dragons.

To connect with your Ancestors is to connect with the Dragons.

To be a priestess of the waters is to be a Priestess of the Dragons.

The dragons are ready for the feminine to Rise up, to be Re-Member-ed!


- - - A Dragon Prayer - - -

I invite you to speak this aloud to connect deeply with the energies of the Dragons, and add your own words and song as you feel called.

I bow deeply to the Sophia Mother Dragon and birther of our Universe, I bow sweetly to the elemental Dragons, of Earth, Fire, Wind and Air, I sing my soul song into the waterfalls of their Being. I offer my tears as a sweet nectar of revival. I trust and know in my heart that all grief that flows from my belly turns to honey at their feet, and a rose at their bosom.In deepest reverence to the Mother and Father dragons that tend to and dwell with in the inner earth, in the bellies and roots of the mountains, in the inner earth rivers and waterways, and in the skies as tenders and keeepers of our atmosphere, I offer my voice and my elation.


And so it is.

Aislinn Kerchaert